Drinks to Detoxify from this Contamination

Pollution is a problem; unfortunately, instead of decreasing it seems to be increasing year after year. we are living through a terrible environmental crisis that is seriously affecting our health and quality of life. Several days ago in much of the country, the contamination reached such a critical point that many of us could live in the flesh the havoc it caused in our health, red eyes, headache, dizziness, sore throat, cough, dry skin, etc.

However, the long-term consequences are even more serious. So it’s a good time for us to help our body in its fight to defend ourselves from these harmful agents. How?, These incredible juices will help you increase your defenses and fight the damage from this terrible evil.

Go to the market you need to start taking them now!

Red juice

This delicious juice is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, two of the things our body needs most with this contamination. But not only that it will also provide your body with potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and iron.


1 Tablespoon of honey

6 strawberries

1/2 cup of grapes

The juice of 2 lemons

2 pineapple slices

Place all the ingredients in the blender or extractor. If you like more liquid you can add half a cup of water.

Citrus juice

Your body needs your defenses to be 100%, give them the little hand with a juice full of vitamin A, B and C. Doing it is super simple and tastes delicious.


One lemon’s juice

The set of 3 oranges

A bunch of spinach

Half chopped papaya

Enter all the ingredients in the blender or extractor along with half a cup of water.

Drinks to Detoxify from this Contamination

Juice for the skin

Pollution not only causes internal but external havoc. Your skin is the first thing that is in contact with these horrible particles. Soap, water and a good mask are necessary but not the only thing that will protect it. This juice will help you give a puncheon the inside.


1 Carrot

1 apple

1 Betabel

1 Cucumber

Place all the ingredients in an extractor (blender no).

Drinks to Detoxify from this Contamination

Anti-headache juice

The pineapple has many properties and one of them will help you a lot to fight the headaches that this pollution is causing.


3 slices of pineapple

1 glass of water

1 Tablespoon of quinoa

Leave the quinoa soaking in a glass of water all night. In the morning add all the ingredients to the blender. You can strain it if you wish.

Juice anti toxins

The polluting particles that float in the air we breathe travel through our bloodstream. So it is necessary to purge it so that our health is not compromised. This juice will help you achieve it.


1 Celery stalk

1 Betabel

2 Carrots

Half a glass of water

Place all the ingredients (without peel) in the extractor.

Drinks to Detoxify from this Contamination

Juice for the heart

This more than a juice is a shake that will help your heart and arteries are strong and can thus purify any toxin that enters its territory.


2/3 of avocado

10 fresh blueberries

A glass of water or vegetable milk (or more, depending on your preferences)

Place all the ingredients in the blender, take it in the mornings for potential results.

Drinks to Detoxify from this Contamination

Infusion for the lungs

The eucalyptus is one of the most used leaves to strengthen the respiratory system, which is the one that most suffers when the pollution attacks.

So if you feel that you can not breathe, that you press your chest or that you have a cold, make an infusion of a few leaves of this wonderful plant, you will feel much better.

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