If you do not have at this time the material or the budget to start a healthier lifestyle, do not worry. Exercise is something instinctive in the human being. The Romans did not use these modern machines to exercise, at first they did it with their own weight. That is exactly what you are going to do in the comfort of your home, with these daily exercises. To do these daily exercises you just have to have the disposition to do them and much desire to sweat a little.
Open your compass so that your feet are at the height of your shoulders, chest outside, and abdomen inside. Slowly lower your buttocks making sure that your knees never pass the tips of your feet. Go up slowly and start again. You can do this exercise with a couple of water bottles in your hand to make it more intense, or, jump once you are already in the squat and start again.
First, you should have the palms of the hands on the floor at your shoulder height, your fingers should be separated so that you have more control in the descent. Now, raise your hips so that neither your abdomen nor your knees touch the floor, you must control all your core. Keep your feet with a slight opening to include the gluteus in the movement. Slowly descend until your chin brushes the floor, goes up without your hip is down, the movement must be fluid.
They are super simple but demanding. Stand in iron position, bend. Pick up your legs and now take a jump as high as you can. Fall gently to get back into the ironing position. Start again. This is the best daily exercise you can do.
You should have your palms on the floor at shoulder height with your fingers slightly apart. Your weight should go forward so you will have to tighten your abdomen and buttocks properly to maintain the proper balance. Lean on the balls of your feet and tighten your muscles perfectly. Even more important, breath.
Jumping Jacks
Open your compass so that your feet are at shoulder height. Start jumping by raising your arms to the sides, and guide them up and down as shown in the picture. Open and close the compass at the same time as your arms. This is an excellent cardio movement.
There are many variations of each of these daily exercises that I just explained. Choose the one you like the most. Then, perform as many repetitions as you can between 20 and 60 seconds for each exercise. Complete 30 minutes with all these repetitions. Do not worry it’s not really difficult, be constant, eat well and as naturally as you can.