6 signs that show you have heart problems

Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in France and affects both men and women. Heart problems can be treated if they are detected in time. Unfortunately, there are many people who do not pay attention to the signs that are present, associating them with other, less dangerous health problems. This ignorance can have tragic consequences. Here are 6 signs to really pay attention to:

1. Shortness of breath

You lose breath as soon as you climb a few steps? Not very good sign! If you have difficulty breathing after a light physical exertion, such as walking, it may indicate cardiovascular weakness or heart disease. Of course, there are other reasons for this, such as asthma or low oxygen levels in the blood, but it is still best to talk to your doctor.

2. The inflamed joints

6 signs that show you have heart problems


High blood pressure can lead to inflammation of the joints and heart disease. If you have joint inflammation, talk to your doctor.

3. Excessive sweating

Do you sweat when it’s not hot or you’re not doing anything? Be careful, as this may indicate the presence of a heart problem. A heart attack and often preceded by cold sweats.

4. Pain

The pains can have different explanations. However, few people suspect that a heart problem can cause pain in the shoulders, chest, belly, neck, chin or arms. This is perfectly plausible since heart disease reduces blood circulation, which in turn causes pain. The pains in the chest should always alert because they appear when the disease is already well established.

5. The pale skin

6 signs that show you have heart problems

This symptom can have many different causes (iron deficiency, cancer, fatigue, etc.), but a decrease in blood flow related to heart problems can be the origin of pale skin. This symptom appears especially just before a heart attack.

6. Fatigue

In addition to the other symptoms mentioned above, a few weeks or just before a heart attack, women in particular experience acute fatigue.

Many factors come into play in the development of cardiovascular and cardiac diseases: stress, obesity, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, etc. It is recommended to walk for at least 40 minutes four times a week, follow a high-fiber, low-fat diet, quit alcohol and tobacco, and live as healthy as possible. 

Before anything else: listen to your body! These symptoms are not necessarily related to heart problems, but it is important to take your health seriously.

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