These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

“Men rarely express their feelings, so if you want to know what they think about you and what their intentions are, you should either ask them directly or pay attention to their actions and attitudes,” says Patti Wood , the famous American psychologist who has more than 30 years of experience and has written several books on communication and body language.

After reading his book, TheWebFry has retained the main list of unconscious gestures made by a loving man, which will allow you to detect the intensity of his affection towards you.

1. He is attentive and attentive.

These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

If a man loves you then he will want to know everything about you. Every detail and every story, however insignificant. He will literally remember everything you said to him – your favorite ice cream, the name of your pet, the school you attended.

When a man really listens to you, he tilts his head slightly to the side . When you see that he has nodded, change the subject of the conversation. If he keeps his head in that position, then he is interested in you. And if he’s righting her, then he’s only interested in the subject of the conversation.

2. He takes care of his posture.

These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

If a man next to you grows up, straightens his shoulders and puts his hands on his waist, then you witness the manifestation of one of the oldest instincts: he wants to look bigger, stronger and more beautiful.

It should be noted that some men, on the contrary, lean towards the woman. This behavior is typical of tall people because when they bow, they feel closer to the woman.

3. He takes care of his appearance and fights himself before seeing you.

These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

When we see someone attractive, we always try to be at its best, and instinctively we hand in the hair to get better hair. If a man does, it means he is nervous. But of course this is not a behavior reserved for men …

4. His behavior on social networks.

These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

As we live in the age of internet and virtual communication, it is also worth paying attention to how it behaves online. If you like him, he certainly subscribed to all your social network accounts and commented and “like” your publications.

  • He does it for you to notice, and because he’s interested in what’s going on in your life.
  • 5. He smiles a lot when you talk to him.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    We smile instinctively when we see something nice and the smile makes a person more attractive. If you are in a group of people and he smiles every time you speak, it is clear that you do not make him indifferent.

    • But you must know how to distinguish a sincere smile from a forced smile. When a smile only allows the upper teeth to appear, it is very likely that this is a forced smile. A genuine smile is felt on the entire face: the forehead rises, eyes are wrinkled and fine lines appear.

    6. He touches his face.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    When a man wants to caress or kiss your lips, he touches his. This happens unconsciously in a face-to-face conversation. He defers to himself the actions he can not perform at the moment to relieve this desire.

    • But you must know how to differentiate this characteristic from a bad habit : if it does the same thing in very different situations, then it is most likely a simple twitch.

    7. He raises his eyebrows.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    Everyone raises their eyebrows to express surprise. Sometimes it’s an unconscious action that helps us open our eyes when we like what we see. If he raises his eyebrows when you say something, it’s because he’s interested.

    8. He is interested in what you like.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    A man’s interest in the things you love is one of the clearest signs of attraction.

    He will go to the show of your favorite artist, taste the dish you love most and even go to watch your favorite series. He will try to test, or at least understand, most of the things you love.

    9. He is tactile.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    He will try to touch you to see how you react: he will remove an eyelash from your cheek, gently push back your lock of hair or take a hand to keep you from stumbling.

    • But be careful: if he is looking for a way to touch you in any situation then he may very well be interested only in intimate contact.

    10. He does not care about his phone.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    When we talk with someone we love then we always try to avoid distractions. If a man loves you, then he will try, as far as possible, to reject any call, put his phone in silent mode or put it away so he can give you full attention.

    11. He writes you when you wake up or go to bed.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    Pay attention to the time he writes to you. If it’s morning, then you’re the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up. The same applies for bedtime messages.

    Another sign of his interest in you can be measured by his response time to messages. If he answers you almost instantly, then you are definitely more important to him than anything else.

    12. He crosses or opens his legs when he is seated.

    These 12 signals clearly show that he is crazy about you

    If a man is attracted to you, then you will be able to see his legs unconsciously open when he sits in front of you, revealing his desire.

    • The same can be said for the legs crossed at the ankles . By thus crossing the feet, he will be able to tilt his body forward in order to get closer to you.

    What do you think of this list? Do you know of other gestures or attitudes that reveal that a man is crazy about you? Tell us in the comments!

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