The length does matter! 5 mistakes that prevent hair growth

If you are looking to have a hair so long that it becomes the envy of Rapunzel and no matter how hard you try, you can not make it, maybe you make these mistakes

Many women dream of having a long mane, but sometimes they have habits that instead of taking care of or helping the hair, it hurts. If you are looking for your hair to grow strong and healthy, you must take into account these errors that may be committed and end up preventing the results you expect so much.

You take care of it badly

The length does matter! 5 mistakes that prevent hair growth

With the rush of day to day, we can forget to treat our hair as it should. When washing it is necessary to avoid rubbing it too much with the towel since that causes the hair to burst and streaks come out. It can also happen that you do not use the right comb for your hair type, also you brush it while it is wet.

Lack of hydration

Regardless of the type of hair, it should always be hydrated. In this case, it is best to use water-based products. When applying the products, try to do it from the root to the tips, in this way you will achieve that your mane grows.

Beware of extreme heat

The length does matter! 5 mistakes that prevent hair growth

In order for hair to grow it is necessary to avoid appliances that produce heat since when using it the hair becomes brittle and brittle. If you are one of those who frequently use the dryer, the iron or any other device that produces heat, it is best to use products that protect the hair. Although the best is to avoid both appliances and products.

Protects hair

For hair to grow healthy, it is necessary to give it a break at least every two or three months. It also prevents frequent exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures, as this can cause damage, in this case, it is advisable to use a hat or cap. At the time of sleep, you can make braids to the hair, thus avoiding frizz and split ends.

Take care of the tips

The length does matter! 5 mistakes that prevent hair growth

We always take care of the scalp and we can forget about the tips of the hair. Apply at least once a week some oil to protect the ends and thus keep the moisture in the hair. Shea and coconut oil are the most beneficial.

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