Tell me how old you want to look and I’ll tell you how you should put on makeup

It is said that you should never ask a woman how old she is. This is due to our eternal conflict with age. Some want to look more adult and a few others younger. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look bigger or smaller because age is not relative to beauty. Sometimes you just want to go into a den, flirt with a younger guy or just face your real age! (that nobody thinks you have). For this, you can apply one of the following makeups.

To look younger than 18

At fifteen is not used much makeup (liquid or powder), for the sensitivity of the skin and for the inexperience on the subject.

Tell me how old you want to look and I'll tell you how you should put on makeup

To look 18 to 20 years old

Use strong shadows and eyeliner. Try shades of electric colors, because dark smokey eyes make you look more adult. Try to have your lips in light colors or simply add gloss.

Tell me how old you want to look and I'll tell you how you should put on makeup

To look 20 to 25 years old

Use base, shadows, lip and delineate your eyebrows. There is a golden rule of makeup that says “You paint a lot your eyes or your mouth, but never both.” But at this age, you can break rules for your safety and makeup experience.

Tell me how old you want to look and I'll tell you how you should put on makeup

To look 26 to 30 years old

Use a little loaded smokey eye. This look is perfect if you want to continue with this wave of looking natural and mature at the same time. Well, the smokey eye is a level that only experienced and focused girls master to perfection. You must be (or at least pretend to be) an empowered woman, who has everything under control, with good work and who does not care what others say. Now you are the villain of the novel that everyone envies.

Tell me how old you want to look and I'll tell you how you should put on makeup

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