Kim Kardashian reveals the secrets of her weight loss

Kim Kardashian reveals the secrets of her weight loss
KCS Press

In recent times, Kim Kardashian has somewhat worried his family by appearing thinner than ever. Accused of advocating anorexia by Internet users, Kanye West’s companion was keen to clear things up by talking about her method of eradicating the pounds she thought were too much.

Kim Kardashian’s fans recently realized that the star had lost a lot of weight. On social networks, the wife of Kanye West continues to reveal its voluptuous curves to its 116 million subscribers, including not hesitate to exceed its string widely. The wasp waist that the businesswoman is showing and her fans are constantly discovering through multiple clichés have become a source of concern for her family. ”  I’ve never seen a person as thin as you,  ” his sister Khloe recently told her Instagram story, calling it ”  anorexic “.

”  I am worried. I do not think you eat enough. You’re so skinny,  “said Kendall Jenner, also amazed by her big sister’s face. These remarks have not had the desired effect on Kim K, who seems pleased to weigh ”  54 kilos  “, which has not failed to annoy Internet users. ”  To look anorexic is not a compliment. This term refers to a disease that affects millions of people. To say that weighing 54 kilos is not being skinny is disgusting. I weigh 67 kilos and hated myself for years because of my weight. Thank you for the trust,  “said one of them.

Again, these critics have obviously not touched the wife of Kanye West, who continues to boast of shedding several pounds. ”  I lost 20 pounds [9 kg] and I’m really proud of it,  ” she said on the red carpet at What Goes Around Comes Around on Tuesday, August 21, polled by E! News. ”  I was over 140 pounds [about 64 kg] most of my life, I’m now around 116 pounds [about 53 kg] and I feel so good,  ” said Kim K, assuring not be anorexic.

How did the mother of North, Saint and Chicago go to get there? According to the person concerned, the answer lies in the hours of fitness that she connects with determination, as well as in her diet. ”  I work hard for an hour and a half every day,  ” said the 37-year-old star, adding that she ”  carries heavyweights  ” and yet abandons the cardio. ”  I used to eat anything and everything, as long as I liked it,  ” she said, claiming she had ”  regained control  ” of her eating habits today… And the pleasure in all this? «  I love Häagen-Dazs ice cream Says Kim Kardashian, who sometimes derogates – and thankfully – from his new course of action. Contrary to what their relatives think, the weight loss of the muse Calvin Klein does not come from a deprivation but from a rebalancing food, associated with regular physical activities. We are reassured …


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