Boys who want to avoid marriage for these 5 reasons

Marriage is a very important decision for any person. But it has been seen that most of the boys start cutting down on the wedding, and try to avoid it.Whenever talk of boys marriage, they deny it.

There are many reasons for this, but today we are going to tell you some reasons that have been seen mainly and due to which the boys want to avoid getting married. So let’s know about these reasons.

Love Freedom

Boys do not want to put their freedom at stake at any cost. They think that after the marriage, the responsibility of the wife and the child will come upon them, in such a situation they will not be able to fulfill their hobbies. You will not be able to move around with friends or go anywhere. They will not be able to eat at their own will, even if they want to come home on time.

Career concerns

Boys feel that their expenses will increase after marriage and they will not be able to spend their salaries on their own as before. Rather, they will have to fulfill the responsibilities of their family members also.

Why Do Guys Not Want To Get Married


Most boys are afraid of the commitments, because the affair happens in the affair, but if the relationship does not go well after going ahead, both can be different without any problem. But there are family, relatives involved in the wedding. In this case, it looks like a chains.

Fear of marriage

On hearing day after divorce, false dowry cases and deception tales, boys are scared in the minds of the boys, what if their marriage did not work well? In such a situation it becomes difficult for him to say yes easily to marriage.

Why Do Guys Not Want To Get Married

Do not want to be domestically

Before marriage, there are many things in the mind of the boy that after getting married, they will become domestically. They have to do things like baby diapers, ration of the house and electricity bill, which they want to avoid.

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