ATH thinks | How filters affect self-image and relationship with our hair


Do you use a filter every time you take a photo? If the answer is yes, you are not the only one. In recent years, social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok have transformed the perception of beauty and success.

Instagram was one of the first apps I downloaded when I was a high school student. I remember using it to post photos with my friends, because in the past, people would post to create a collection of memories instead of worrying if their image followed a specific aesthetic or would get them more followers.

These types of platforms offered a wide variety of filters to change colors or adjust light and shadows, which sparked my love for photography. But, now, they have evolved and have the ability to transform the appearance of a person.

The new filters completely change the shape of the face, lips and eyes, and even the color, cut and appearance of our hair. Original photos end up looking nothing like the finished product after editing.

Filters can be fun, like when they turn us into characters. ANDhe problem is, when you edit a photo and the result is an “improved” version of you, you can start to think that this is what you should look like.

Latest Dove Self Esteem Project has carried out a study, which includes more than 500 girls between the ages of 10 and 17, in which it is revealed that 23% of those surveyed believe that they “do not look good enough” if they do not edit their photos and 20% he is disappointed that he does not look in real life as he does in his photos on the internet.

In fact, 69% of girls say they try to change or hide at least one part of their body when they go to take a photo for their social networks. The face, hair, skin, lips and abdomen are the parts of the body that they edit the most.

Any filter that alters our physique, in search of an ideal of beauty or demand for perfection, is potentially dangerous for our self-esteem, since it generates the demand to comply with an archetype generated by an application, which is far from our true image and, even , of reality.

Let’s change the speech

Woman with straight black hair taking a selfie with her cell phone
Filters can be a fun way to express our personality, but they also have the potential to become a source of insecurity and low self-esteem. Credit: cottonbro/Pexels.

We are constantly in contact with our own image, so it is normal for us to become obsessed with it. Beauty filters aren’t inherently bad; it’s all in the intention with which they are used. There is nothing wrong with playing with your image, but you should never believe that you are not beautiful the way you are.

Stopping using filters on your photos can seem scary in the narcissistic world of social media, where we are constantly judged—and judge others—on how we look. However, we can change the discourse and return to reality. Let’s use virtual media to be close to who we are and let’s love each other like this: without filters.

The post ATH thinks | How filters affect self-image and relationship with our hair appeared first on All Things Hair Mexico.


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