5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them

Summer is the perfect season to wear light dresses, tank tops, shorts, and of course, swimsuits. These are beautiful clothes, but it’s a real headache for people who like their legs and armpits to have no hair. Shaving causes irritation, ingrown hairs and results that last only 24 hours. Despite this, 77% of millennial women still shave in 2018, while the remaining 33% decided to be natural. It’s time to consider new alternatives!

Nice has put together five homemade tricks to fight the hair so we can throw the razor once and for all. If you’re really interested, then take a look at our recommendations and do not miss our bonus at the end of the article!

1. Sugar + Lemon juice

5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them
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Sugar and lemon are well-known ingredients when it comes to fighting unwanted hair. These are the elements of a sweet paste, a substance similar to wax, which easily removes hair for a long time. Although the process is painful, the results can last up to four weeks and they do not cause as many ingrown hairs.

By the way, if you add honey, you can easily do it in the microwave . For that, you will need:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (2 spoons)

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until you get a smooth paste, then put it in the microwave for two minutes. Take it out and mix every twenty to thirty seconds. Let cool before using.

The lemon is acidic, so it acts as a whitening agent, making your hair almost invisible while slowing the growth of the latter. Here is a  remedy that can help you:

  • Take two spoons of sugar and a half cup of warm water.
  • Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and mix well.
  • Apply this mixture to the armpits and let stand for twenty minutes.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and lightly rubbing.
  • Repeat this method two to three times a week.

If you use these two products, you will not have any problems with your hair removal sessions, as when your hair is visible but they are not long enough to remove them.

2. Egg white + corn starch

Have you ever tried a peel-off mask on your face? If your answer is “yes,” then you probably know that it is more effective at removing facial hair than for getting rid of pimples. So why not create this mask for your armpits?

  • Break an egg , pour the white into a bowl and throw the yellow.
  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix all ingredients well.

Apply the paste on the hairy area and let it dry (yes, you’ll have to sit with your arms up, so be patient). After that, say goodbye to your hair and remove it.

3. Milk + Turmeric

5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them
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Here is another remedy for the armpit hair grow more slowly and they are more and more thin. Here’s everything you need:

  • Three spoons of turmeric powder
  • A spoonful of milk

Pretty easy, is not it? Now mix these two products until you have a thick paste and apply it on your armpits for twenty to thirty minutes until the dough is completely dry. When the weather is finished, take a cloth, moisten it with warm water and rub the mask with circular movements. After that, wash what is left and dry the area with a towel. Repeats regularly for a visible effect.

4. Papaya + Turmeric

5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them
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Yes, here is an exotic remedy! The papaya contains papain , an enzyme that can destroy hair follicles and prevent their regrowth.

  • Take one to two spoons of raw papaya puree, and add half a spoon of powdered turmeric, and mix well.
  • Apply on the problem area and mass gently, but in depth.
  • Let the dough work for fifteen minutes and wash.

The remedy is effective only in the long term, so repeat it two to three times a week for several months to get surprising results.

5. Turmeric + Baking soda

5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them
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If you prefer to eat the papaya instead of wasting it during hair removal, here is a less exotic remedy. It’s really easy to prepare , and the results are much faster than you think.

  • To do this, put a serving of turmeric, two servings of baking soda and mix with water.
  • Add water gradually as you mix the ingredients to form a light paste.
  • Apply this paste to the armpits and let it dry.
  • Rub the mixture with your hands, then wash and dry the armpits by patting with a towel.

Remember that turmeric has an intense orange color and your skin can change a bit, so be patient and get ready to scrub even more.

Bonus: permanent hair removal

5 Ways to have soft, silky armpits without shaving them
Image- Sympa

No matter how amazing these home remedies are, you have to repeat them to maintain the desired results. However, there is a safe way to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all.

We are talking about electric hair removal , which is the only way to remove up to 100% of hair, regardless of color. This method uses a small needle that enters each hair follicle and destroys the root from the inside. That sounds terrifying, does not it? But, unlike other methods, it eliminates even gray hair, so it’s a decision that anyone of any age can take.

Yes, it is also a painful, expensive, slow method and it even requires to follow a few rules between sessions to get the promised results. However, for many people, it’s all worth it.

What do you do with your hair on the armpits? You take them out or you let them grow? If you prefer to get rid of it, what is your favorite method? Do you think you have permanent treatment? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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