10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Blogmujeres.com


Long and loose mane are the maximum exponent of femininity. One more year, long hair remains a trend in terms of hair styling for this year 2020. If you are thinking of leaving your hair long and do not know which look may be right, we want to tell you that you are in the right place. Today we introduce you 10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020. The latest trends, for all types of hair, looks and facial structures.

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Parade

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A flattering haircut that will frame our face thanks to gradual parading of the front layers. A nice haircut for a long hair that will attract attention whether you wear it loose or with a semi-picked, as long as you leave the front layers well visible.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Smooth and straight

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Although the long hair admits different variations, here we present the basic or simplest way to wear a beautiful long hair. If we opt for a long hair with straight ends, we should know that it is a minimalist and elegant cut. Straight shapes provide greater cleanliness in the formsHowever, it is a suitable cut for abundant hair.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Scaled and layered

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

If we want to give more dynamism to our hair, nothing better than to make a cut to long layers of small tufts so that they are not noticed. In this way we will contribute to our hair greater dynamism and movement. If we also scale the strands that are closest to our face, the result will be surprising. Another type of cut for long hair that will triumph in this 2020.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Long and with waves

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Many times a long hair is confused with boring hair and as we are seeing, nothing is further from reality. If we want to wear a mane with more volume do not hesitate to make some well marked waves. The structure in this hairstyle is provided by a XXL bangs, who will give that romantic touch if we drop it to the side. The blunt tips will give that natural touch.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Double Layer

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A haircut style that triumphed in the 70s and that now, in 2020, everything is again a reference in terms of styles. It involves making a double layer cut, the upper layer being shorter than the lower one. In this way we will get trim volume if our hair is too bulky, providing greater ease and movement to our hair. A cut that we can take paraded in the front and if we dare, with bangs.

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

Another example of long hair cut to double layer. In this case both layers are long, so the hair weight will be greater. In this way we will provide higher density, especially if we comb it with our fingers since it is not a cut that we should wear perfectly structured but rather disheveled. A hairstyle to wear long, loose and fun hair.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Curly and straight

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In this case we are talking about a extra-long and curly mane, surely it will happen to you like me and we feel very envious to see this spectacular hairstyle. The hairstyle itself part of a straight haircut, as we see in this case no layers have been created.

Making it so spectacular is largely due to the undone curls that looks, they are simply marked and poorly defined curls. Of course for this type of hair does not favor us having a lot of hair, it is a hairstyle that can look perfect fine hair mane. The color also brings its grain of sand, makes it much more spectacular.

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

If you like to wear one long mane with the most marked curls, you will certainly dare with this hairstyle. A hairstyle that you will see more than once in this year 2020, let’s not forget that the hipies trends, they are still in fashion. If what you like is the volume, this may be one of the hairstyles that best suits your desires. But do not forget, moisturize your hair conscientiously so that it does not look brittle.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – A Layers and Pico

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Another type of hairstyle that we love. Mobility, harmony and elegance are the basis of this hairstyle. It is a long mane cut in long layers to give it more dynamism. If we also add a “V” termination, the effect is what this image shows us. Another way to wear long hair away from the classic straight cuts.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – With straight Bangs

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

A super youthful hairstyle is this long mane with waves and bangs. In this case the difference is marked by a long and sparsely bangs what rejuvenates the features while sweetening them. The middle stripe distributes the weight of the mane to the sides by dropping on the forehead some loose strands as a bangs.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – With thick bangs

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

Unlike the previous hairstyle, in this case it is a long straight hair hairstyle but this time with a bushy bangs and straight cut. A bangs that cover up to the eyebrows and that in addition to cover the forehead, extends to the sides. An ideal hairstyle if you have the big front since it is a good way to hide it. But be careful in light colored hair is very subtle, but in dark hair it can harden your features.

Hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 – Scaled Curtain Bangs

10 hairstyles for long and loose hair 2020 - Blogmujeres.com

A hairstyle for long hair with a long scaled bangs and open or as it is also called curtain type. A nice bangs that won’t compromise as much as the short bangs we’ve seen before. It gives us the possibility of combing it as in the photo and when we do not want to show it, pick it up with the rest of the hair in a ponytail or collected. A very flattering bangs especially because of the dynamism that its climbing form provides. A very interesting hairstyle that you can wear this winter 2020.

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