How to Write an Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently

Are you a student who has been living in a hostel but now wants to leave permanently? Whether it’s due to personal reasons, changes in your circumstances, or simply a desire for a different living arrangement, writing an application for leaving a hostel permanently is an important step in the process. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective application that addresses all the necessary aspects and ensures a smooth transition. So, let’s get started!

Understanding the Importance of a Well-Written Application

Before we delve into the details of writing the application, it’s important to understand why a well-written application is crucial. When you submit an application, it serves as your formal request to leave the hostel permanently. The application will be reviewed by the hostel authorities who need to ensure that the transition is properly managed and the necessary paperwork is completed. Therefore, a well-written application helps convey your intentions clearly and professionally, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Gathering the Required Information

To begin writing your application, start by gathering all the necessary information. This includes your personal details such as your full name, student ID number, contact information, and any relevant documents or evidence that supports your decision to leave the hostel permanently. It’s important to have all this information readily available to ensure a smooth and efficient application process.

Application for Leaving Hostel Permanently

Writing the Application

Now that you have all the necessary information, let’s break down the application into different sections to guide you through the writing process.

1. Salutation and Introduction

Begin your application with a polite salutation addressing the concerned authority (e.g., “Dear Hostel Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern”). In the introduction, clearly state your intention to leave the hostel permanently. Keep this section concise and straightforward, providing a brief explanation for your decision.

2. Reasons for Leaving

In this section, elaborate on the reasons for your decision to leave the hostel permanently. Be honest and transparent, but also maintain a respectful tone. You may have personal reasons such as wanting to live closer to your family, financial constraints, or changes in your academic or career plans. Whatever the reasons, clearly articulate them in a concise manner.

3. Compliance with Procedures

It’s vital to address the procedures and policies set by the hostel administration regarding leaving permanently. Mention your understanding of these procedures and assure the authorities that you will comply with all the necessary paperwork and formalities. This shows your commitment to a smooth and organized transition.

4. Financial Obligations

If you have any pending financial obligations towards the hostel, it’s important to address them in your application. State if you owe any outstanding fees or dues and propose a plan to settle them before your departure. This demonstrates your responsible attitude towards financial matters and strengthens your application.

5. Moving-Out Plan

Provide details about your moving-out plan in this section. Mention the date you plan to leave the hostel permanently and any logistical details relevant to the move. If you need assistance from the hostel in terms of vacating your room or returning any hostel property, make a polite request for their cooperation.

6. Acknowledgment of Hostel Rules and Policies

Express your gratitude towards the hostel for providing accommodation during your stay. Acknowledge the importance of the hostel rules and policies in maintaining a conducive living environment. Thank the hostel administration for their support and assistance throughout your tenure.

7. Contact Information and Signature

End the application by providing your updated contact information, including your phone number and email address. This allows the hostel authorities to reach out to you for any further communication or clarification. Sign the application with your full name and mention the date of submission.

Some examples of applications for Hostel leaving permanently:

Sample 1:


The Warden ABC Hostel XYZ College New Delhi

Date: 9th September 2023

Subject: Application for leaving hostel permanently

Respected Sir,

I am Ravi Kumar, a final year student of B.Com (Hons.) in XYZ College. I am writing this application to inform you that I want to leave the hostel permanently as I have completed my course and I have to join a job in Mumbai.

I request you to kindly clear my dues and refund my security deposit of Rs. 10,000 as soon as possible. I have attached the receipt of the deposit and the clearance certificate from the mess manager.

I am grateful for your hospitality and guidance during my stay in the hostel. I have learned a lot from you and the other hostel mates. I will always cherish the memories of the hostel life.

I will vacate my room no. 101 by 15th September 2023. Please let me know if there is any formal procedure that I need to follow.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely, Ravi Kumar B.Com (Hons.) Final Year Roll No. 123456

Sample 2:


The Warden PQR Hostel LMN University Chennai

Date: 9th September 2023

Subject: Application for leaving hostel permanently

Respected Madam,

I am Priya Sharma, a second year student of M.Sc (Mathematics) in LMN University. I am writing this application to inform you that I want to leave the hostel permanently as I have got married and I have to shift to Bangalore with my husband.

I request you to kindly clear my dues and refund my security deposit of Rs. 15,000 as soon as possible. I have attached the receipt of the deposit and the clearance certificate from the mess manager.

I am thankful for your support and care during my stay in the hostel. I have enjoyed the company of my friends and seniors in the hostel. I will miss the hostel life very much.

I will vacate my room no. 201 by 12th September 2023. Please let me know if there is any formal procedure that I need to follow.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely, Priya Sharma M.Sc (Mathematics) Second Year Roll No. 234567

Application for Leave Hostel and Refund of Security

[Your Name]
[Your Room Number]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Hostel Warden’s Name]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request permission to leave the hostel and inquire about the process for obtaining a refund of my security deposit.

I have enjoyed my stay at the hostel and want to thank you for your support during my time here. However, due to personal reasons, I find it necessary to move out of the hostel.

My intended departure date is [Date you plan to leave the hostel]. I am aware that there might be some check-out procedures that I need to follow, and I am committed to completing them as required for a smooth transition.

I would also like to request information regarding the refund of my security deposit. I have adhered to all the hostel rules and regulations during my stay, and I would appreciate your guidance on how to proceed with the refund process.

Please let me know the specific steps I should take and any documents I need to provide from my end. I am ready to cooperate fully and ensure a hassle-free exit from the hostel.

If you need any further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

I want to express my gratitude for the time I have spent in your hostel and hope for a positive response to my request. Your assistance in this matter is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention.


[Your Name]

Write an Application to the Principal for not Staying in Hostel

Sample 1: Seeking Permission to Stay Off-Campus

[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to request permission to stay off-campus instead of in the school hostel. I have personal reasons that make it necessary for me to live with my family. I assure you that I will maintain punctuality and attend all classes regularly.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Seeking Permission to Stay with Guardian

[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to request permission to stay with my guardian, [Guardian’s Name], instead of in the school hostel. My guardian lives nearby, and they can provide a suitable living environment for me while I continue my studies at the school.

I assure you that I will uphold all school rules and regulations.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

Sample 3: Request for Permission to Stay at Home

[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to request permission to stay at my home instead of the school hostel. I have discussed this with my parents, and they will ensure that I maintain a disciplined routine, attend all classes, and follow all school rules.

I appreciate your consideration of my request.

[Your Name]

Sample 4: Request for Exemption from Hostel Stay

[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Principal,

I kindly request an exemption from staying in the school hostel. Due to certain circumstances, it would be more convenient for me to live at home while attending school. I will ensure punctuality and adhere to all school rules.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name]

These samples should provide you with different ways to request permission to not stay in the hostel in a simple and concise manner. You can adapt them to your specific situation and requirements.

Leave Hostel After Completing Studies/Degree/Diploma

[Your Name]
[Your Room Number]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Hostel Warden’s Name]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Hostel Warden’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have successfully completed my [studies/degree/diploma] and will be leaving the hostel.

My departure date will be [Date of departure], and I would like to express my gratitude for the accommodation and support provided by the hostel during my time here. I will ensure that all check-out procedures are followed to facilitate a smooth transition.

I am truly thankful for the hospitality and assistance I have received while residing in the hostel. Please consider this as my formal notice of departure, and if there are any specific requirements or formalities I need to complete, kindly inform me.

Thank you once again for your support during my stay.


[Your Name]

Notice Letter For Vacating Company Residence/Hostel with Job Ends

[Your Name]
[Employee ID]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

[HR Manager’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [HR Manager’s Name],

I am writing to provide notice of my intention to vacate the company residence/hostel. As my employment with [Company Name] is ending on [Last Working Day], I will be moving out on or before that date.

I have enjoyed my time in the company-provided residence/hostel and appreciate the accommodation during my employment. I will ensure that the property is returned in good condition and all necessary check-out procedures are followed.

Please let me know if there are any specific instructions or documentation required for this process.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

Hostel Leaving Permanently Application Letter to Principal

[Your Name]
[Your Class/Grade]
[School/College Name]
[School/College Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Principal
[School/College Name]
[School/College Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to formally request permission to leave the hostel permanently. My reasons for this decision are personal and have led me to seek alternative accommodation. I have appreciated the time I spent in the hostel and thank you for your understanding.

I will complete all necessary check-out procedures and return any hostel property as required. Please advise on any specific steps I should follow.

Thank you for your support during my stay.

[Your Name]

Request Letter to The Warden for Vacating Hostel, and Need Dues Clearance

[Your Name]
[Your Room Number]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Warden
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Warden,

I am writing to inform you that I will be vacating the hostel on [Date of Departure] due to [mention the reason, e.g., the completion of my course]. I kindly request your assistance in clearing my dues and settling any outstanding hostel fees before my departure.

I have had a positive experience staying in the hostel and appreciate your support. I will ensure that my room is left in good condition and that all financial obligations are met.

Please guide me on the process for clearing my dues and any specific instructions to follow.

Thank you for your cooperation.

[Your Name]

Sample Application for Leaving Hostel, and Dues Clearance

[Your Name]
[Your Room Number]
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

The Hostel Warden
[Hostel Name]
[Hostel Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Warden,

I am writing to request permission to leave the hostel on [Date of Departure] due to [mention the reason, e.g., completing my studies]. Alongside this, I kindly request your guidance and assistance in settling my hostel dues.

I have enjoyed my stay at the hostel and appreciate your support. I am committed to leaving my room in good condition and settling any outstanding fees promptly.

Please provide instructions for clearing my dues and any necessary formalities.

Thank you for your cooperation.

[Your Name]

Request Letter To Leave Boarding Facility Permanently Due To Health Issues & Unhygienic Food

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Boarding Facility Manager’s Name]
[Boarding Facility Name]
[Boarding Facility Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Boarding Facility Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally request permission to permanently leave the boarding facility due to serious health issues aggravated by unhygienic food conditions. My health has been deteriorating, and it has become increasingly challenging for me to stay under these circumstances.

I appreciate the time I have spent at the facility and the convenience it has provided. However, my well-being is my utmost priority, and I believe it is in my best interest to seek alternative accommodation.

I kindly request your understanding and assistance in facilitating my smooth departure from the boarding facility. Please let me know if there are any check-out procedures or formalities I need to follow.

Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.

[Your Name]

Tips for Writing an Effective Application

To enhance the effectiveness of your application, consider the following tips:

  • Be concise: Keep your application brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations.
  • Professional tone: Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the application. Avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Proofread: Before submitting your application, proofread it multiple times to ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos. You may also consider asking a friend or family member to review it for a fresh perspective.
  • Addressing the right authority: If there is a designated person or committee responsible for processing leaving applications, make sure to address your application to that specific authority.
  • Submit in a timely manner: Submit your application well in advance of your intended departure date to give the hostel authorities sufficient time to process your request.


Writing an application for leaving a hostel permanently might seem like a daunting task, but with this guide, you can navigate through the process smoothly. Remember to gather all the necessary information, structure your application properly, and address each section with clarity and professionalism. By following these steps, you increase the likelihood of a positive outcome and ensure a smooth transition from hostel life to your next living arrangement. Good luck with your application!

How should a hostel leave application be formatted?

Follow this format:
1. Header with your details (name, room number, hostel name, institution, date).
2. Address the warden (name and title).
3. Subject line: “Leave Application.”
4. State leave dates and reason briefly.
5. Mention responsibilities or arrangements during your absence.
3. Express willingness to comply with hostel rules.
7. Sign with your full name and contact info.

Can I customize the sample applications according to my situation?

Yes, these sample applications can be personalized to reflect your individual circumstances and reasons for leaving the hostel permanently.

How important is it to seek permission formally?

Formally seeking permission through an application letter demonstrates professionalism, respect, and proper communication with the hostel authorities.

Is it necessary to provide evidence or supporting documents with the application?

While it is not always mandatory, providing any relevant evidence or supporting documents that validate your reasons for leaving may strengthen your application.

Should I discuss my application with the warden or school principal in person?

It is recommended to submit the application formally and subsequently discuss any concerns or queries in person if required.

Is there a specific format to be followed for writing the application?

While there is no rigid format, it is essential to maintain a professional tone and structure the application coherently, specifying your reasons clearly and concisely.

How do I address the warden in my application?

Address them by name and title (e.g., “Dear [Warden’s Name], [Warden’s Designation]”).

Do I need to include supporting documents with my application?

If relevant, attach supporting documents. For instance, if it’s a medical leave, you may attach a medical certificate.

Is there a specific order for information in the application?

Yes, follow this order: Header, recipient info, subject, leave details, responsibilities, closing, and signature.