A team of scientists, led by Heather Blunt-Vinti, analyzed the sexual lives of almost 200 couples in order to answer a very precise question: Does communication during sex, both verbal and non-verbal, predict the degree of sexual satisfaction?
The results, published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, indicate that yes, there is a correlation between the two.
“In general – says Blunt-Vinti’s team in the study – the results of this study indicate that greater communication during sex (both verbal and non-verbal) is associated with greater satisfaction. Previous research had focused on communication before sex and communication after sex, but communication during sex is a neglected area in the investigation of sexual communication. “
The research showed that communication during sex can be beneficial both for the relationship and for sexual satisfaction. The authors hope that the study will be used to better educate people about how to have a healthier sex life.
They also point out that communication during sex is not the same for everyone. Each person has a way to carry it out. “For example,” the authors added in the study, “since many couples may feel uncomfortable with direct verbal communication about sexual pleasure, therapists may recommend that non-verbal communication be used as well.”
Finally, the authors have an additional suggestion for those who try to strengthen their sex lives: forget about scripts. In other words, try to put aside traditional roles and be creative. “Encouraging a far-reaching discussion about our cultural adherence to traditional sexual scripts or stereotyped roles during sex, and the growing need to deviate from these roles, could allow for greater communication about sexual pleasure, desires, and needs, and subsequently lead to an increase in sexual satisfaction, “they conclude.