8 facts to know about babies born in March

Whether we believe in astrology or not, the influence of birth month according to science or not, it is always fun to see what is said about people born the same month as us, or to check if the characteristics we associate with these people describe our little baby well.

Today, let’s see how the natives of March stand out!

  1. They will touch the clouds

Good news for traveling parents! In the next twenty years, you could benefit from free or discounted flights! Indeed, according to a British study by the Office for National Statistics, March babies are more likely than others to embark on a flying career. And if not, they also have a good chance of becoming musicians.

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

2. They are likely to succeed in their marriage

The birthstone of the “Martians” is aquamarine. This light blue stone, delicate and elegant, is a symbol of fidelity between spouses. She is supposed to guarantee a happy marriage! It should bring good luck to babies born in March!

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

3. They are happy and optimistic!

If you are expecting a baby for March, he will be full of life and optimistic. This is confirmed by a study conducted in 2014 by Hungarian researchers. According to them, people born in the spring are more likely to have a “hyperthymic temperament”, that is to say, naturally happy, energetic and generous.

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

4. They are romantic

A baby in March is likely to have a child in March having a long-term relationship and even at an early age. Or he will seek that great Love, with a big A, until he finds it. Long live romance!

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

5. They will be great

It may sound odd, but people born in the spring are often taller than average, according to anthropologist Gerhard Weber of the University of Vienna. The difference is only half a centimeter, but is statistically noticeable.

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

6. They share the month of births of famous people

Bright people were born in March. Like Albert Einstein, Elton John, Celine Dion, Dr. Seuss, Frederic Chopin, Bruce Willis, Lady Gaga, Vivaldi, Mikhail Gorbachev, Bernard Landry …

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

7. They will be creative

According to a study by researcher Mark Hamilton of the University of Connecticut, babies born in a “wet” month are more likely to become adults with great creativity.

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

8. They have souls of CEO

According to a Canadian study conducted at the University of British Columbia, babies born during the months of March and April are more likely to become entrepreneurs than those who arrive during summer. According to them, these children are more likely to position themselves naturally as leaders.

8 facts to know about babies born in March

source: Adobe Stock

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